About Us
Before you learn about the members of the team at Andrew H. Wood, Esq., PLLC, it is important that a client or potential client understands our firm’s core values because they are essential in our representation and interactions with our clients and other professionals that our team members interact with. Our core values serve as guiding principles that define Andrew H. Wood, Esq., PLLC as a law firm and how we conduct ourselves in our representation of clients. These core values are the foundation upon which we build our relationships and make decisions, and they play a pivotal role in achieving our shared goals.
Here are the core values of Andrew H. Wood, Esq., PLLC:
Respect is fundamental to our law firm. Even though legal matters can be contentious at times, each member of our law firm strives to treat clients, opposing counsel, opposing parties, court personnel and other professionals with courtesy and politeness at all times. We endeavor to be punctual, meet deadlines and deliver on our commitments. We understand that our clients are often times going through a difficult period in their life and we endeavor to be respectful in our representation of each and every one of our clients.
Every client is entitled to competent legal representation. Our firm ensures that our attorneys and staff, as may be necessary, are up to date with changes in the laws as they happen as well as court rules and procedures for effectively managing our client’s matters. You can expect legal knowledge, thoroughness, preparedness and attention to detail from our firm.

Our firm provides honest and transparent representation to all our clients. We provide you with each piece of communication received by our office and you will be copied on all communication sent from our office. You can expect accurate information and open communication from all members of our team. Our goal is to deliver our clients with the best possible result based upon facts and circumstances presented to us. There are risks associated with litigation that are outside of our control, however, we will not make false promises or hide important details from you. We will manage your expectations and put forth maximum effort to achieve your goals.

Attorneys are bound by strict rules of confidentiality. We expect clients to provide us with all information relevant to their matter and to honestly answer questions posed by members of our firm, even if clients may feel ashamed or embarrassed about their responses. As your attorneys, it is not our job to judge and we won’t, however, it is our job to effectively represent you, which can only be done with honesty and truthfulness. Clients can expect the our firm to maintain the highest and strictest standards for client confidentiality and to protect the attorney-client privilege. It is only in a safe and trusting environment that clients can openly share information with their attorneys.

Andrew H. Wood, Esq. understands that divorce and family law is a unique area of law that encompasses a myriad of issues and emotions that require a specific knowledge, skill set and understanding to effectively represent his clients. At Andrew Wood Law, our team of attorneys approach each and every contested and uncontested divorce case with the mindset that the effective negotiation and resolution of a matter begins with setting realistic expectations for the client.
No matter the set of circumstances that you are facing in your divorce or family court matter, you can be assured that Andrew H. Wood, Esq. will provide you with expert guidance throughout your case. Mr. Wood is passionate about family and matrimonial law and he works with clients across Albany, Saratoga Springs, and Schenectady, NY to achieve an outcome that best suits him or her now and as they move forward in life.
Contact our office today to schedule an initial consultation.